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Annual General Meeting – April 2 2025
The Annual General Meeting of the Geelong Historical Society Inc. will be held on Wednesday April 2, 2025 at 7:30pm. The venue for the meeting is the Virginia Todd Hall, 9 Clarence Street, Geelong West. The AGM will be followed by our monthly lecture and the regular monthly meeting. The AGM will be conducted according to the Rules of the Society. Members wishing to see the complete rules should do so on the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission’s website. In the interests of clarity and transparency the following relevant extracts from the Society’s Rules can be found below:
Section 9 of the rules of our society state that: The ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting shall be –
(a) to confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any General Meeting held since that meeting; and
(b) to receive from the Committee reports upon the transactions of the Society during the last preceding financial year; and
(c) to elect Officers of the Society and the ordinary members of the Committee; and
(d) to receive and consider the statement submitted by the Society in accordance with section 30(3) of the Act.
Section 12 of the rules of our society also state that: 2) No business other than that set out in the notice convening the meeting may be conducted at the meeting.
Financial Members of the society are encouraged to stand for election to the Committee of Management. They can either nominate for one of the four executive positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary) or for one of eight positions on the General Committee.
Financial members of the society seeking election to the Committee, should ensure that their nominations are received by the Secretary of the Society no less than seven days prior to the meeting. Any nomination should specify the position they are nominating for and be supported by two other financial members of the society.
Nominations can be sent via email to the Secretary at the following email: web@geelonghistoricalsociety.org.au. Alternatively they should be mailed to the Secretary at the following address:
The Secretary
Geelong Historical Society
PO Box 67
VIC 3219
Please note that any nominations for the Executive or Committee positions must be received seven days prior to the meeting, in this case by Wednesday March 26, 2025.
A vote will be held if more than one nomination is received for each Executive position and if more than eight nominations are received for the Committee. Additionally, only in the event that insufficient nominations are received for the relevant positions can nominations be accepted from the floor during the AGM.
Download the nomination form here: GHS Executive and Committee Positions 2025
Latest News
February News
AGM 2025
Moorak Park Mystery Solved
February 5 2025 Lecture Report
From the President’s Pen Feb 2025
A mystery Cairn – Can you help shed some light?
A Society Member & Parishioner of All Saints Newtown, Stephen Yewdall, has a challenge for members. He is seeking information on a Memorial Cairn, located in Moorak Park, Noble Street Newtown. The text on the plaque on the cairn states it was dedicated on (Friday) 11 November 1988. I would assume the placement of the cairn was undertaken as a Bicentennial project for Remembrance Day, by the former City of Newtown.
Despite a diligent search he has been unable to find any information on this memorial. If any member can provide some advice or assistance it would be greatly appreciated. The purpose of Stephen’s research is for a proposal to possibly host a remembrance service, in association with a church service, at the adjacent All Saints Anglican Church in November 2025.
If you can assist Stephen, he can be contacted on 0427 211 273.
The Index to our Investigator Magazine
Members have two options for searching the Investigator Magazine archive: first a search of the Index of Article Titles and the second is a Keyword Search. The Index of Article Titles searches through all the article titles from the first edition in 1965 up until July 2024. The second is a keyword search of issues from 1965 to 2009.
The Index of Articles 1965 – 2024
The following 2 minute video shows how to undertake the search:
How to search the index
Searching the Investigator Article Titles
The Keyword Search of Investigator 1965 – 2009
The Investigator Index was first published in 2010 after many years toil a dedicated team of society members collated and indexed all the articles published in Investigator from the first issue in December 1965 until 2009. The main file in this index contains over 75,500 records – it was an amazing task!
We are now undertaking a trial of that Index online. This is only available to our members who have registered to use the society’s website. You can find the Keyword Search to the Index under the Publications Pages Menu or from the Members Pages menu or just click here.
It is also available as PDF document. Members can still purchase the database but we are looking at ways to make it more accessible.