Past Committee Members

A list of Office Holders and Committee Members 1944 – 2009

Past Committee Members of the Geelong Historical Society Inc. – 1944 to 2009

This database of past Committee Members was first published in 2010. The following is the introduction written for that publication:

In the process of compiling the list of Investigator Articles … we stumbled across a list of Office Holders of the Geelong Historical Society published in 1994. This list included President, Secretary and Treasurer for the first 50 years of the Society. One thing led to another and a search ensued through the Investigator for “current” committee details. For the last decade or so, details would generally appear in the President’s Report.

As an avid “list‐maker” the urge was irresistible and the end result was an incomplete list of GHS committee members from 1944 to 2009. For some years there was no list however in most cases the same names appeared in previous years and latter years so it could be presumed they continued through the “missing” years.

There is nothing worse than publishing an incomplete or inaccurate list, so this list was going to be passed onto the current committee for checking and possible completion at some later stage. BUT as long as users recognise that this is an incomplete list, there is sufficient information to warrant its publication as an “interim” list to ensure the information isn’t lost for future generations. So without apology, the list has been included.

NOTE: for years where no list was found but members were “presumed” from previous and latter years, the last entry for each “missing year” is: YYYY NO DETAILS

Searching the database – Enter at least one keyword to start your search. If there are lots of entries you can narrow it by adding a series of keywords such as Wynd Editor. In that case it reduces the records found from 40 to just 5.

All of the fields (Year, Name and Position Head can be sorted) to assist you to find the information you are looking for.

YearNamePosition Held
1944Fairnie, E JPresident
1944Dowsett, J MrsInaugural committee
1944Elliott, A LInaugural committee
1944Fallon, E B MrsInaugural committee
1944Frencham, C RInaugural committee
1944Hamilton, J MrsInaugural committee
1944Gane, H TInaugural committee
1944Mockridge, R G MrsInaugural committee
1944Holden, P HInaugural committee
1944Dennis, F MissInaugural committee
1944Holden, R HInaugural committee
1944Ingram, W W RevInaugural committee
1944Hope, G BInaugural committee
1944Andrews, V HInaugural committee
1944Jones, PInaugural committee
1944Austin, W JInaugural committee
1944King, G RInaugural committee
1944Barber, F SInaugural committee
1944Leighton, W FInaugural committee
1944Bottrell, W WInaugural committee
1944McKinnon, BInaugural committee
1944Brownhill, W RInaugural committee
1944Murphy, GInaugural committee
1944Manning Clarke, HInaugural committee
1944O’Keeffe, C P FInaugural committee
1944Collie, NInaugural committee
1944Opie, N JInaugural committee
1944Cotton, E HInaugural committee
1944Richardson, F EInaugural committee
1944Craig, H AInaugural committee
1944Stinton, F WInaugural committee
1944David, J NInaugural committee
1944Tingate, C VInaugural committee
1944Davies, DInaugural committee
1944Wild, D FInaugural committee
1944Davis, FInaugural committee
1944Wilson, K AInaugural committee
1944Dobson, R WInaugural committee
1944Woolcock, A HInaugural committee
1944Dyson, F BInaugural committee
1944Wright, M HInaugural committee
1944Newby-Fraser, D MissHonorary Secretary
1944Gurr, E MissAssistant Honorary Secretary
1945Fairnie, E JPresident
1946Fairnie, E JPresident
1947Fairnie, E JPresident
1948Fairnie, E JPresident
1949Andrews, V HPresident
1950Brown, P LPresident
1951Brown, P LPresident
1951Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1951Higgins, C CTreasurer
1952Brown, P LPresident
1952Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1952Higgins, C CTreasurer
1953Dyson, F BPresident
1953Baldwin, R RTreasurer
1954Brown, P LPresident
1954Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1954Baldwin, R RTreasurer
1955Brown, P LPresident
1955Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1955Baldwin, R RTreasurer
1956Brown, P LPresident
1956Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1956James, S S MrsTreasurer
1957Brown, P LPresident
1957Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1957James, S S MrsTreasurer
1958Brown, P LPresident
1958Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1958James, S S MrsTreasurer
1959Brown, P LPresident
1959Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1959James, S S MrsTreasurer
1960Brown, P LPresident
1960Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1960James, S S MrsTreasurer
1961Brown, P LPresident
1961Mockridge, R G MrsSecretary
1961James, S S MrsTreasurer
1961Jacobs, L MSecretary
1962Brown, P LPresident
1962Jacobs, L MSecretary
1962James, S S MrsTreasurer
1963Brown, P LPresident
1963Jacobs, L MSecretary
1963James, S S MrsTreasurer
1964Jacobs, L MPresident
1964Edler, J M MissSecretary
1964James, S S MrsTreasurer
1965Jacobs, L MPresident
1965Edler, J M MissSecretary
1965James, S S MrsTreasurer
1965Wynd, IEditor – ex officio
1966Jacobs, L MPresident
1966Edler, J M MissSecretary
1966James, S S MrsTreasurer
1966Wynd, IEditor – ex officio
1967Brown, P LPresident
1967Morrow, W JSecretary
1967James, S S MrsTreasurer
1967Boardman, H A CrVice President
1967Drinnan, GCommittee
1967Jacobs, LCommittee
1967Alsop, PCommittee
1967Baldwin, RCommittee
1967Silvers, HCommittee
1967Jellie, ACommittee
1967Holden, R HCommittee
1967Wynd, IEditor – ex officio
1968Brown, P LPresident
1968Boardman, H A CrVice President
1968Morrow, W JSecretary
1968James, S S MrsTreasurer
1968Drinnan, GCommittee
1968Jacobs, LCommittee
1968Alsop, PCommittee
1968Baldwin, RCommittee
1968Silvers, HCommittee
1968Jellie, ACommittee
1968Holden, R HCommittee
1968Wynd, IEditor – ex officio
1969Brown, P LPresident
1969Boardman, H A CrVice President
1969Morrow, W JSecretary
1969James, S S MrsTreasurer
1969Wynd, ICommittee
1969Wynd, IEditor
1969Jellie, ACommittee
1969Wardle, BCommittee
1969Baldwin, R RCommittee
1969Drinnan, GCommittee
1969Hamilton, FCommittee
1969Holden, R HCommittee
1969Silvers, HCommittee
1969McAdam, N Sex officio
1969Smith, W JCommittee
1970Brown, P LPresident
1970Boardman, H AVice President
1970Morrow, W JSecretary
1970Morrow, W JTreasurer – acting
1970Alsop, PCommittee
1970Baldwin, RCommittee
1970Hamilton, FCommittee
1970Jellie, ACommittee
1970Wardle, BCommittee
1970Drinnan, GCommittee
1970Smith, WCommittee
1970Wynd, ICommittee
1970Holden, RCommittee
1970McAdam, N Sex officio
1971Boardman, H APresident
1971Brown, P LPast President
1971Alsop, P F BVice President
1971Wynd, IVice President
1971Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1971Baldwin, RCommittee
1971Craddock, RCommittee
1971Hamilton, FCommittee
1971Jellie, ACommittee
1971Drinnan, GCommittee
1971Smith, WCommittee
1971Wardle, BCommittee
1971Holden, Rex officio
1971McAdam, Nex officio
1972Boardman, H A CrPresident
1972Brown, P LPast President
1972Wynd, IVice President
1972Alsop, P F BVice President
1972Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1972Baldwin, RCommittee
1972Craddock, RCommittee
1972Hamilton, FCommittee
1972Wardle, BCommittee
1972McAdam, N SCommittee
1972Jellie, ACommittee
1972Drinnan, GCommittee
1972Smith, W JCommittee
1972Holden, R Hex officio
1973Boardman, H A CrPresident
1973Brown, P LPast President
1973Wynd, IVice President
1973Alsop, P F BVice President
1973Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1973Baldwin, RCommittee
1973Craddock, RCommittee
1973Hamilton, FCommittee
1973Wardle, BCommittee
1973McAdam, N SCommittee
1973Jellie, ACommittee
1973Drinnan, GCommittee
1973Smith, W JCommittee
1973Holden, R Hex officio
1974Boardman, H A CrPresident
1974Brown, P LPast President
1974Wynd, IVice President
1974Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1974Baldwin, RCommittee
1974Craddock, RCommittee
1974Hamilton, FCommittee
1974Cust, N DrCommittee
1974Hamilton, DCommittee
1974Drinnan, GCommittee
1974McAdam, N SCommittee
1974Jellie, ACommittee
1974Smith, W JCommittee
1975Wynd, IPresident
1975Boardman, H A CrPast President
1975McAdam, N SVice President
1975Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1975Hamilton, DCommittee
1975Hamilton, FCommittee
1975Alsop, PCommittee
1975Jellie, ACommittee
1975Baldwin, RCommittee
1975Smith, W JCommittee
1975Craddock, RCommittee
1975Brown, P LCommittee
1975Cust, N DrCommittee
1975Davies, DavidCommittee
1975Drinnan, G ECommittee
1976Wynd, IPresident
1976Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1976Boardman, H A CrPast President
1976McAdam, N SVice President
1976Alsop, PCommittee
1976Baldwin, RCommittee
1976Brown, P LCommittee
1976Craddock, RCommittee
1976Cust, N DrCommittee
1976Davies, DCommittee
1976Hamilton, DCommittee
1976Hamilton, FCommittee
1976Jellie, ACommittee
1976Smith, W JCommittee
1977Wynd, IPresident
1977McAdam, N SSenior Vice President
1977Cust, N DrJunior Vice President
1977Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1977Jellie, ACommittee
1977Brown, P LCommittee
1977Baldwin, R RCommittee
1977Davies, D JCommittee
1977Drinnan, G ECommittee
1977Alsop, P F BCommittee
1977Smith, W JCommittee
1977Hamilton, D WCommittee
1977Hamilton, FCommittee
1977Craddock, RCommittee
1978Wynd, IPresident
1978Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1978Brown, P LCommittee
1978Baldwin, R RCommittee
1978Davies, D JCommittee
1978Alsop, P F BCommittee
1978Smith, W JCommittee
1978Hamilton, D WCommittee
1978Craddock, RCommittee
1979Wynd, IPresident
1979Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1979McAdam, N SSenior Vice President
1979Cust, N A DrJunior Vice President
1979Brown, P LCommittee
1979Baldwin, R RCommittee
1979Davies, D JCommittee
1979Smith, W JCommittee
1979Alsop, P F BCommittee
1979Hamilton, D WCommittee
1979Craddock, RCommittee
1979Lang, W RCommittee
1979Cooke, A WCommittee
1980McAdam, N SPresident
1980Cust, N A DrVice President
1980Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1980Brown, P LCommittee
1980Baldwin, R RCommittee
1980Davies, D JCommittee
1980Smith, W JCommittee
1980Alsop, P F BCommittee
1980Hamilton, D WCommittee
1980Craddock, RCommittee
1980Lang, W RCommittee
1980Cooke, A WCommittee
1980Wynd, ICommittee
1980Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1981Wynd, IPresident
1981McAdam, N SPast President
1981Cust, N A DrVice President
1981Cooke, A WVice President
1981Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1981Brown, P LCommittee
1981Baldwin, R RCommittee
1981Davies, D JCommittee
1981Smith, W JCommittee
1981Alsop, P F BCommittee
1981Hamilton, D WCommittee
1981Craddock, RCommittee
1981Lang, W R DrCommittee
1981Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1982Wynd, IPresident
1982McAdam, N SPast President
1982Cust, N A DrVice President
1982Cooke, A WVice President
1982Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1982Brown, P LCommittee
1982Baldwin, R RCommittee
1982Davies, D JCommittee
1982Smith, W JCommittee
1982Alsop, P F BCommittee
1982Hamilton, D WCommittee
1982Craddock, RCommittee
1982Lang, W R DrCommittee
1982Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1983Wynd, IPresident
1983Cust, N A DrVice President
1983Cooke, A WVice President
1983McAdam, N SPast President
1983Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1983Seaton, G MrsCommittee
1983Alsop, P F BCommittee
1983Baldwin, R RCommittee
1983Craddock, RCommittee
1983Davies, D JCommittee
1983Hamilton, D WCommittee
1983Lang, W R DrCommittee
1983Smith, W JCommittee
1983Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1984Alsop, P F BPresident
1984Wynd, IPast President
1984Cust, N AVice President
1984Cooke, A WVice President
1984Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1984Baldwin, R RCommittee
1984Davies, D JCommittee
1984Smith, W JCommittee
1984Hamilton, D WCommittee
1984Craddock, RCommittee
1984Lang, W RCommittee
1984Seaton, G MrsCommittee
1984Hill, R MrsCommittee
1984Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1985Alsop, P F BPresident
1985Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1985Wynd, IPast President
1985Baldwin, R RCommittee
1985Davies, D JCommittee
1985Hamilton, D WCommittee
1985Craddock, RCommittee
1985Lang, W RCommittee
1985Seaton, G MrsCommittee
1985Hill, R MrsCommittee
1985Smith, W JCommittee
1985Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1986Alsop, P F BPresident
1986Wynd, IPast President
1986Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1986Cust, N AVice President
1986Seaton, G MrsVice President
1986Baldwin, R RCommittee
1986Craddock, RCommittee
1986Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1986Davies, D JCommittee
1986Hamilton, D WCommittee
1986Lang, W RCommittee
1986McAdam, N SCommittee
1986Smith, W JCommittee
1986Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1987Alsop, P F BPresident
1987Wynd, IPast President
1987Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1987Davies, D JCommittee
1987Seaton, G MrsVice President
1987Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1987Lang, W RCommittee
1987McAdam, N SCommittee
1987Smith, W JCommittee
1987Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1988Alsop, P F BPresident
1988Wynd, IPast President
1988Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1988Davies, D JCommittee
1988Seaton, G MrsVice President
1988Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1988Lang, W RCommittee
1988McAdam, N SCommittee
1988Smith, W JCommittee
1988Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1989Alsop, P F BPresident
1989Wynd, IPast President
1989Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1989Davies, D JCommittee
1989Seaton, G MrsVice President
1989Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1989Lang, W RCommittee
1989McAdam, N SCommittee
1989Smith, W JCommittee
1989Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1990Alsop, P F BPresident
1990Wynd, IPast President
1990Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1990Davies, D JCommittee
1990Seaton, G MrsVice President
1990Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1990Lang, W RCommittee
1990McAdam, N SCommittee
1990Smith, W JCommittee
1990Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1991Alsop, P F BPresident
1991Wynd, IPast President
1991Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1991Davies, D JCommittee
1991Seaton, G MrsVice President
1991Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1991Lang, W RCommittee
1991McAdam, N SCommittee
1991Smith, W JCommittee
1991Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1992Alsop, P F BPresident
1992Wynd, IPast President
1992Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1992Davies, D JCommittee
1992Seaton, G MrsVice President
1992Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1992Lang, W RCommittee
1992McAdam, N SCommittee
1992Smith, W JCommittee
1992Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1993Alsop, P F BPresident
1993Wynd, IPast President
1993Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1993Seaton, G MrsVice President
1993Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1993Davies, D JCommittee
1993Lang, W RCommittee
1993McAdam, N SCommittee
1993Smith, W JCommittee
1993Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1994Alsop, P F BPresident
1994Wynd, IPast President
1994Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1994Seaton, G MrsVice President
1994Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1994Davies, D JCommittee
1994Lang, W RCommittee
1994McAdam, N SCommittee
1994Smith, W JCommittee
1994Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1995Alsop, P F BPresident
1995Wynd, IPast President
1995Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1995Seaton, G MrsVice President
1995Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1995Lang, W RCommittee
1995McAdam, N SCommittee
1995Smith, W JCommittee
1995Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1996Alsop, P F BPresident
1996Wynd, IPast President
1996Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1996Cust, N DrVice President
1996Seaton, G MrsVice President
1996Emin, Una MrsCommittee
1996Davies, DCommittee
1996Smith, WCommittee
1996Craddock, RCommittee
1996Dexter, WCommittee
1996Griffiths, PCommittee
1996Dearnley, CCommittee
1996Williams, ICommittee
1996Baldwin, RCommittee
1996McAdam, N SCommittee
1996Lang, W R DrCommittee
1996Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1997Alsop, P F BPresident
1997Wynd, IPast President
1997Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1997Cust, N DrVice President
1997Smith, WCommittee
1997Craddock, RCommittee
1997Dexter, WCommittee
1997Griffiths, PCommittee
1997Dearnley, CCommittee
1997Williams, ICommittee
1997Baldwin, RCommittee
1997Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1998Alsop, P F BPresident
1998Wynd, IPast President
1998Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1998Cust, N DrVice President
1998Smith, WCommittee
1998Craddock, RCommittee
1998Dexter, WCommittee
1998Griffiths, PCommittee
1998Dearnley, CCommittee
1998Baldwin, RCommittee
1998Brunton, DCommittee
1998Craddock, Freda MrsMinute Secretary
1998Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
1999Alsop, P F BPresident
1999Wynd, IPast President
1999Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
1999Craddock, Freda MrsMinute Secretary
1999Smith, WCommittee
1999Craddock, RCommittee
1999Griffiths, PCommittee
1999Dearnley, CCommittee
1999Baldwin, RCommittee
1999Brunton, DCommittee
1999Redman, BCommittee
1999Houghton, NArchivist – ex officio
2000Alsop, P F BPresident
2000Wynd, IPast President
2000Morrow, W JSecretary / Treasurer
2000Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2000Houghton, NVice President
2000Smith, WCommittee
2000Craddock, RCommittee
2000Dearnley, CCommittee
2000Baldwin, RCommittee
2000Brunton, DCommittee
2000Redman, BCommittee
2000Rowe, D DrCommittee
2001Alsop, Peter F BPresident
2001Wynd, IanPast President
2001Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2001Houghton, NormanVice President
2001Smith, BillCommittee
2001Craddock, RobCommittee
2001Dearnley, ColinCommittee
2001Baldwin, RolfCommittee
2001Brunton, DavidCommittee
2001Redman, BarryCommittee
2001Rowe, David DrCommittee
2001Hecker, CathieCommittee
2002Alsop, Peter F BPresident
2002Wynd, IanPast President
2002Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2002Houghton, NormanVice President
2002Smith, BillCommittee
2002Craddock, RobCommittee
2002Dearnley, ColinCommittee
2002Brunton, DavidCommittee
2002Rowe, David DrVice President
2002Hecker, CathieCommittee – Publicity Officer
2002Hamilton, FergusonCommittee
2003Alsop, Peter F BPresident
2003Wynd, IanPast President
2003Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2003Rowe, David DrVice President
2003Smith, BillCommittee
2003Craddock, RobCommittee
2003Dearnley, ColinCommittee
2003Brunton, DavidCommittee
2003Hecker, CathieCommittee – Publicity Officer
2003Hamilton, FergusonCommittee
2003Rowe, David DrCommittee – Investigator
2003Cummin, Cliff DrCommittee – Investigator
2003Zada, SusieCommittee – Investigator
2003Buchter, AlanCommittee
2004Alsop, Peter F BPresident
2004Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2004Rowe, David DrVice President
2004Brunton, DavidVice President
2004Smith, BillCommittee
2004Craddock, RobCommittee
2004Hecker, CathieCommittee – Publicity Officer
2004Hamilton, FergusonCommittee
2004Rowe, David DrCommittee – Investigator
2004Cummin, Cliff DrCommittee – Investigator
2004Zada, SusieCommittee – Investigator
2004Buchter, AlanCommittee
2005Alsop, Peter F BPresident
2005Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2005Brunton, DavidSenior Vice President
2005Hamilton, FergusonJunior Vice President
2005Buchter, AlanCommittee – Excursions
2005Craddock, RobCommittee – Artefacts
2005Cummin, CliffCommittee – Investigator
2005Griffiths, PeterCommittee – Investigator
2005Grant, ThereseCommittee – Investigator
2005Honman, JaneCommittee – Correspondence Register
2005Panizzon, SpartacoCommittee – Research
2005Smith, BillCommittee – Photographs / Drawings
2005Fogarty, PeterCommittee – Research
2005Lewis, Jenniferex officio
2006Alsop, Peter F BPresident
2006Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2006Brunton, DavidSenior Vice President
2006Hamilton, FergusonJunior Vice President
2006Buchter, AlanCommittee – Excursions
2006Craddock, RobCommittee – Artefacts
2006Cummin, CliffCommittee – Investigator
2006Griffiths, PeterCommittee – Investigator
2006Grant, ThereseCommittee – Investigator
2006Honman, JaneCommittee – Correspondence Register
2006Panizzon, SpartacoCommittee – Research
2006Smith, BillCommittee – Photographs / Drawings
2006Fogarty, PeterCommittee – Research
2006Lewis, Jenniferex officio
2007Brunton, DavidPresident – acting
2007Alsop, Peter F BPast President
2007Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2007Brunton, DavidSenior Vice President
2007Buchter, AlanCommittee – Excursions
2007Craddock, RobCommittee – Artefacts
2007Cummin, CliffCommittee – Investigator
2007Griffiths, PeterCommittee – Investigator
2007Grant, ThereseCommittee – Investigator
2007Fogarty, PeterCommittee – Research
2007Mansfield, PeterCommittee – Research
2007Panizzon, SpartacoCommittee – Research
2007Smith, BillCommittee – Photographs / Drawings
2007Giddings, BrianCommittee – Research
2007Bantow, JenniferCommittee – Guest Speakers
2008Brunton, DavidPresident
2008Alsop, Peter F BPast President
2008Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2008Buchter, AlanSenior Vice President
2008Buchter, AlanCommittee – Excursions
2008Craddock, RobCommittee – Artefacts
2008Southern, RogerCommittee – Investigator
2008Griffiths, PeterCommittee – Investigator
2008Grant, ThereseCommittee – Investigator
2008Fogarty, PeterCommittee – Research
2008Mansfield, PeterCommittee – Research
2008Smith, BillCommittee – Photographs / Drawings
2008Bantow, JenniferCommittee – Guest Speakers
2009Brunton, DavidPresident
2009Craddock, Freda MrsSecretary / Treasurer
2009Buchter, AlanSenior Vice President
2009Buchter, AlanCommittee – Excursions
2009Craddock, RobCommittee – Artefacts
2009Southern, RogerCommittee – Investigator
2009Grant, ThereseCommittee – Investigator
2009Fogarty, PeterCommittee – Research
2009Mansfield, PeterCommittee – Research
2009Smith, BillCommittee – Photographs / Drawings
2009Bantow, JenniferCommittee – Guest Speakers
2009Griffiths, PeterEditor – ex officio
2009Gravolin, StephenInaugural committee