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Geelong’s First Marathon Man
This article is a reprise of a story that the author, Harry Roberts, wrote and had published in 1976. It introduces the story of Mack Connor that unfolds in four short videos. Jaded and weary Geelong’s first marathon runner Adrian Ambrose Connor stood accepting the applause of the 1000 strong crowd. He just completed the…

Solomons and Market Square
Solomons – Do You Remember? In the same year that the Geelong Historical Society was formed – 1944 – the owners of the big Geelong Department Store, Solomons Pty Ltd created the first volume of a history series. They called it Geelong – Do You Remember. In the forward to the series the editor acknowledged…

Royal Harmony
Royal Harmony – When Victoria and Albert met Felix Mendelssohn. We received an email from Rachel Buckley, the secretary of the Goldfield’s Historical Society. She extends an invitation to members who may be interested in the show Royal Harmony. It has been well researched and based on the diaries of Queen Victoria and Felix Mendelssohn….

Hamilton Hume Sketch Maps: Their Origins and Modern Treatment
A review of Hamilton Hume Sketch Maps: Origins and Modern Treatment by Martin Williams Following Hamilton Hume and William Hovell’s first overland journey of exploration from southern New South Wales into Victoria in 1824 a number of important primary and secondary source documents were produced. These accounts included original journals and writings by Hume and…

The J.F. Costa Collection.
A stunning collection of 19th & early 20th century photographs of Geelong is now available on the members section of the Geelong Historical Society website. The collection was originally donated by Ms Barbara Walker in honour of Joseph Francis Costa. Joseph was an Industrial Chemist with the SEC, an amateur radio enthusiast, a pioneer in…

Hubcaps to Creative Hubs – Part 3
Hubcaps to Creative Hubs – Part 3 Fyansford Paper Mill In the third part of Hubcaps to Creative Hubs Dr Cristina Garduño Freeman takes us back to the 1870s when she visited the Fyansford Paper Mill. The site is one of Geelong’s oldest industrial sites and during its 150 odd years of existence it has…