Port Phillip map showing Wedge's explorations
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Wedge, Thomson and William Buckley – Investigator Vol 2 No 2

This is the seventh instalment of the Investigator’s series ‘The Story of Geelong’, published in May 1967. Using John Wedge’s journals and a subsequent map of his explorations the writer takes the reader along on (more…)

Port Phillip map based on Tuckey's survey
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Collins and the Sullivan Bay Settlement – Investigator Vol 1 No 4

David Collins and the Sullivan Bay Settlement In the fourth issue of Investigator magazine in 1966, the Story of Geelong featured an account of the ill-fated settlement at Sullivan Bay in 1803. The article focused (more…)

Flinders in the Investigator – Investigator Vol 1 No 2
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Flinders in the Investigator – Investigator Vol 1 No 2

Flinders in the Investigator. This article on Matthew Flinders was the second in a series called ‘The Story of Geelong’ and originally published in the first volume of the Geelong Historical Society’s magazine ‘Investigator’. It (more…)